Roberts Elementary, Houston ISD

Roberts Elementary, Houston Independent School District, Texas
IB World School and Fine Arts Magnet
Rita Graves, Principal

Sunday, March 31, 2013

News From Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, 4/1
Tuesday, 4/2  STAAR Administration, 4th and 5th grade
Wednesday, 4/3  STAAR Administration, 4th and 5th grade
Thursday, 4/4
Friday, 4/5  PTO Meeting, 8:10 a.m.
Saturday, 4/6  Spring Community Night, movie begins at dusk
Monday, 4/8
Tuesday, 4/9  5th Grade Class Picture
Wednesday, 4/10  School Tour, 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, 4/11
Friday, 4/12  Rice Baseball Bash, 6:30 p.m. (purchase tickets in advance)

STAAR Testing
4th and 5th graders will take STAAR exams this week on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Because of the various small groups, all offices and the library will be used for test administration.  Volunteers and visitors to campus will be limited while students are testing. 

Tuesday folder volunteers will receive an email when the folder contents are ready.  Please do not come to campus until you receive that email.  If you need someone to stuff folders for your class, please call the school and leave a message with the receptionist.

New Website
By now you should have received an email with information about logging in to the new website and changing your temporary password.  If you did not receive an email with your log in credentials, email our webmaster at

So on to the next step!  Have you found your teacher's blog yet?  Here's how:
  • Log in at
  • Choose the Parent tab
  • Use the links along the left side of the page to access the Directory
  • Search for your child's teacher
  • You will find the teacher's email address and blog address on the teacher page.

Spotlight on IB:
Approaches Teaching and Learning
excerpt from Toward a Continuum of International Education

For the sake of clarity the approaches to teaching and learning are described under three headings:
  • learning how to learn 
  • structured inquiry (more on this an upcoming post)
  • critical thinking  (more on this an upcoming post)
In reality these categories overlap and describe complementary approaches.

Learning How to Learn
Learning how to learn requires that students realistically evaluate and self-regulate their performance. 

Effective learners monitor what they are doing and produce effective responses because they are self-aware and have a realistic appreciation of, and control over, their own learning process.  They do not simply acquire more skills and knowledge.

Metacognition is a term used to refer to the reflective thinking strategies, attitudes and other competencies used to monitor and control learning.  The concept can be further divided into two categories, but both are required for effective practice:
  • metacognitive knowledge - knowledge learners have about themselves and how they learn best
  • metacognitive performance-the ability to use self-knowledge to improve performance.
In an effective learning environment metacognitive knowledge and performance can be nurtured rather than taught.  At a young age all students cannot help but develop metacognitive understanding since "being human" is characterized by self-awareness and the need to learn and make decisions.  One central challenge of education is the development of a positive and realistic self-understanding that helps learners to effectively make judgments and solve problems.  Nurturing metacognitive knowledge and performance means providing a learning environment and teaching practices that require students to constantly plan, reflect, monitor and check their work and to self-evaluate.

Learners manage their thought processes in different ways.  No two learners are identical.  Students have individual learning styles, preferred ways of using their abilities.  Students' learning styles can also vary from one learning context to another.  This makes it difficult to teach learning or study skills to students out of context or to teach one method as appropriate for all.  While students can be taught strategies that might help them with metacognitive tasks they must lean to apply these themselves and be exposed to a number of approaches.  Teaching students how they learn best must be an integral part of the curriculum and not considered as a separate task.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

News From Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Thursday, 3/28  Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, hosted by 1st grade
Friday, 3/29  Spring Holiday
Tuesday, 4/2  Report Cards go home; STAAR 4th & 5th
Wednesday, 4/3  STAAR 4th & 5th
Friday, 4/5  PTO Meeting, 8:10 a.m.
Saturday, 4/6  Spring Community Night

New Website
Our new website will go live this week!  On Wednesday morning you will receive an email with the web address and your log in credentials.  You will be given a temporary password.  You should log in and change the password at your earliest convenience. 

You will notice that the Parents tab has a great deal of information available to you after you log in, but that information is not available to the general public.  To reach your child's classroom blog, you will use the Staff Directory to search for your child's teacher.  The blog link associated with each classroom is on the teacher's directory page.

If you don't receive an email on Wednesday, you should email our webmaster at to ensure we have your accurate email address.

IB Self-Study Parent Survey
Thank you to those of you who took time to complete our short survey earlier this month.  We are able to use your responses to help us evaluate our work, but also to help us in identifying the components of our 3-year plan.  There were some common themes that you may want to know about:
  • parents generally understand the IB Learner Profile and IB Attitudes;
  • parents appreciate the inquiry-based, collaborative approach to learning;
  • parents aren't as familiar with the structure and philosophy that drive an IB academic program;
  • parents are happy with the education their child is receiving at Roberts; and
  • parents value the Roberts community.
One critical element of an IB program is the use of the Action Cycle.  Choose. Act. Reflect.  There was one comment that warmed the hearts of the faculty and I think it will warm your heart too.  This IB learner is fully engaged in the action cycle.

Our dog recently died. My 1st grade daughter's response was to make a book with photos and pictures she has drawn and short memories of our dog, and she also wanted to make T-shirts that said "Remember Hassan." She wanted very much to "do" something about our situation. I think she has been very influenced by the IB culture as practiced at Roberts, where students are always learning about the world as a global village, and discovering that they have an active part in it. My kids understand that their actions have an impact, and that they can have a positive affect, a negative affect, or do nothing. I think this is such an important component of education: that instead of keeping the bigger picture and the reason for all this learning to ourselves, we are daily involving the students in it, and guiding them as they learn how to process their own emotions and responses to the world around them.
Testing Calendar
April 2-3
4th grade STAAR Writing
April 2-3 5th grade STAAR Math/Reading
April 23-24 3rd & 4th grade STAAR Math/Reading
April 24 5th grade STAAR Science
May 6-10 Stanford (1st - 5th)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

News From Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, 3/18
Tuesday, 3/19
Wednesday, 3/20

Thursday, 3/21 Kinder and 1st gr field trip; Teacher Appreciation Lunch hosted by 1st grade; SDMC, 3:30
Friday, 3/22 End of the grading cycle; KNO
Friday, 3/29  Spring Holiday

Testing Calendar
April 2-3 4th grade STAAR Writing
April 2-3 5th grade STAAR Math/Reading
April 23-24 3rd & 4th grade STAAR Math/Reading
April 24 5th grade STAAR Science
May 6-10 Stanford (1st - 5th)

New Website!
Currently we are in the process of moving to a new website.  The new website will be online and available to you next week.  Unfortunately, our existing website is down.  Next week you will receive an email with your ID and a temporary password.  Please help us make this transition smooth by ensuring you are able to log in, and then change your password to something that works for you. 

This week all notices will be provided on paper in the Tuesday folder.  In the meantime, if you need information, please feel free to reach out to your teacher via email.  And, as always, our receptionists stand ready to help you with anything you may need.

Language Learning
Over the past few weeks we have been evaluating the effectiveness of our Spanish language program.  Each grade level has designated a teacher to serve on the implementation review team.  We have reviewed all IB documents that discuss Language B instruction, and I have reviewed your feedback from the recent IB parent survey.  The requirement for Language B instruction by IB is exposure and appreciation of another language, but does not suggest that fluency is the goal for the Primary Years Programme. 

The team agrees that students need more time in the online environment to support language development, along with activities that can aid in cementing their learning.  Recognizing there is little, if any, extra time during the school day, the team has developed an instructional model to support language learning.  Students in grades 2-5 will access the online learning environment for 45 minutes each week and anchor that learning with a follow-up activity in class, as well as access the online learning enviroment atleast once each week at home. (Grade 2 students will have an option of home assignments.) Students will bring home instructions on Monday that give directions for using a laptop, desktop or ipad.  If your child does not have access to a computer or ipad at home to complete this assignment each week, please contact your child's teacher.

Please remember that the online learning environment is designed for students to work at their own pace.  As I review the usage reports, I am amazed by the progress so many of our students have made this year.  Many of our students are accessing the learning environment at home and during their own time, and are showing great progress in the curriculum. 


Thursday, March 7, 2013

News From Mrs. Graves

Message of Thanks
As we leave for Spring Break I wanted to take a moment to give thanks for the many contributions from parents and teachers that together have created so many wonderful opportunities for your children this school year.  Together we have organized opportunities to learn together and play together. 

Meet the Teacher.  Kinder Play Date.  Curriculum Night.  World Wide Day of Play.           +Works Parent Talk I: School Connections.  Parent Math Night.  PADRES Family Camp Out.  Middle School Information Night.  International Festival.  Field Day.  Election Day Bake Sale.  Family Urban Hike to Rocket Fizz.  Magnet Awareness Week.  Community Yard Sale.  Fall Book Fair.  Fall Community Night.   +Works Talk II: Social Connections.  3rd Gr Holiday Program.  Exhibition.  5th Grade to Camp.  Bullydozer Rally for Peace. Valentine Parties.  Share Your Love Sock Drive.  Neighborhood Recruitment Open House and Play Date.  Auction.  Kinder Snow Day.  +Works Talk III: Cyber Connections. 4th Grade to Austin.  March Forth For Peace Celebration of the Arts.  Kids Night Out. Monthly Teacher Appreciation Luncheons.  And so much more to come...

Of the many events that support Roberts, the school auction has traditionally been a significant event in fundraising to provide teacher training, technology and materials for classrooms.  This year was incredibly successful because of the dedication of our three chairpersons and the multitude of volunteers.  Please join me in thanking Paula Zurcher, Lara Frazier and Sherry Walsh for their leadership and dedication.  The funds raised at our Auction will go to improving instruction and opportunities for your child.

As you rejuvenate over Spring Break, please take pride in the role you play in making Roberts the extraordinary school it is everyday for your child.  It is the incredible partnership between school and home, between teachers, administration and parents that make this possible.  Thank you for partnering with us in our mission to provide a wonderful experience for your child. 

Happy Spring Break!