Roberts Elementary, Houston ISD

Roberts Elementary, Houston Independent School District, Texas
IB World School and Fine Arts Magnet
Rita Graves, Principal

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Summer Update

Dear Parents,
So many important things are happening on campus this summer to improve learning and increase opportunities for your child.  Read more to find out about our technology upgrades, magnet expansion and the continuous improvement plans for our Primary Years Programme.

Technology Upgrades.  We have finalized the installation plan for our new campus network to upgrade our network hardware and improve our wireless system.  We expect installation to be complete before school begins.  With your support through your generous donations to the PTO we have been able to order new technology to replace one outdated laptop cart and classroom computers for one grade level, as well as add one iPad cart for use in our classrooms.  We worked closely with our technology department and have cleaned and updated all our existing laptops and are in the process of replacing dead batteries to ensure our grade level laptop carts are in great shape for our students when they return.

Magnet Expansion. Just over two years ago we underwent a comprehensive review of our magnet program and have been working to identify opportunities that allow students to blend their arts learning.  We have worked closely with Young Audiences this summer to develop a model for our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students to participate in musical theatre stage productions.  For the 2013-14 school year each grade level (3-5) will work on one musical theatre production.  All students will learn the music of the chorus during the music ancillary period, and those students interested in lead roles, dance roles, or stage design and props will have the opportunity to stay after school for our Magnet Enrichment period at no extra fee.   Our 4th grade students will launch our magnet expansion with the Broadway Jr. adaptation of School House Rock Live.   If you have a 4th grader who would enjoy taking on a featured role, make sure you keep the schedule clear after school on Tuesdays and Thursday from September 4th through November 14th.   We are looking for volunteers who can sew to assist with costuming, and someone who can help with building stage sets.  Contact Ms. Ballard at to volunteer your time and talents.

Another exciting facet of our magnet program is the work we are doing to formalize the integration of digital arts across the curriculum.  We are finalizing our scope and sequence for technology integration this school year and looking for ways to ensure we are viewing this work through the lens of our fine arts program.

Primary Years Programme.  We have worked closely with Lamar HS and Texas IB Schools to create an opportunity for training for our teachers on August 1 and 2.  Serving as a host for training in Houston enables us to train more teachers at a reduced cost for each teacher.  We will have 24 faculty members trained in the coming weeks, nearly double the number of that in years when we have to travel, in Level 1, 2 and 3 workshops to ensure we are well-aligned with IB philosophy.  Also of critical note, after completing our year long self-study, we have been notified of our dates for our 5-year IB Evaluation Site Visit.  We will welcome an evaluation team in early November.

Helpful Tidbits
*The school office will reopen Monday, August 12th.  If your plans have changed and your child will not attend Roberts in the fall, please contact Ms. Sones at

*Help us get a jump on the school directory by completing the attached form and sending back to

Enjoy the remaining weeks of summer!
Mrs. Graves