Roberts Elementary, Houston ISD

Roberts Elementary, Houston Independent School District, Texas
IB World School and Fine Arts Magnet
Rita Graves, Principal

Sunday, November 24, 2013

News From Mrs. Graves

Upcoming This Week
Monday, 11/25  Lost and Found Clean Out
Tuesday, 11/26  Lost and Found Clean Out - Anything left at end of day will be donated

Just Around The Corner
Monday, 12/2  
Tuesday, 12/3  NTB Reading Day; 3rd Gr Musical Rehearsal Begins, 3:30-5:30
Wednesday, 12/4  Magnet Tour, 9:00 am
Thursday, 12/5  
Friday, 12/6  PTO Meeting, 8:10 am; Book Talk, 11:30-12:30

Wednesday, 12/11  
Thursday, 12/12  2nd grade Winter Show & Art Exhibit, 6:30 pm
Friday, 12/14  Faculty Caroling, 6:00 pm; 

Wednesday, 12/18  Community IB Exhibition, 6:30 pm
Friday, 12/19  Class Holiday Parties (PM, Check with teacher for time); Lost and Found Clean Out - Anything left at end of day will be donated

January, 2014 
Monday, 1/6  Teacher Work Day
Tuesday, 1/7 Students report to school for Spring Semester
Wednesday, 1/29  Early Dismissal for Mid-Year Parent Conferences

Field Day - Canceled
We will need to reschedule Field Day again because of the weather.  We will look for a day in the Spring and let you know as soon as we choose a date.  

Spotlight on IB:
Exhibition and Action

Over the last few weeks, our 5th graders have been busy learning about global issues that impact us locally. They have asked really hard questions, and are diving into the complex answers.  As they have learned, they have designed ways to impact locally through action. 

Students have learned that there are three primary ways to act:
  • Direct Service - giving your time/talent to someone in need
  • Indirect Experience - channeling resources rather than working directly with an individual in need, such as clothing drives or working with organizations that support a community need
  • Advocacy - making the public aware of a problem or need, through presentations or letter writing
Over the next two weeks, you are going to be asked to give your support.  Some of the requests will be about matters that you are passionate about, and some will be for things you may not have even known were issues that needed support.   You will find that these issues are deeply important to our 5th graders. They have strong beliefs about fairness and justice, and about wrong and right.  "Effective action can be a demonstration of a sense of responsibility and respect for self, others and the environment," (Making the PYP Happen). 

Student actions/events will be listed on the bulletin board on the hallway to the Cafe outside of my office. You will also receive information through the Tuesday Folder about the many requests for support.  Please review the many requests and consider supporting them in their efforts.  No one can support everything, but when we come together, each doing a little, a lot can get done.

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 18, 2013

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming This Week
Monday, 11/18  1st Day of Session II Specialties
Tuesday, 11/19  Book Fair, NNAT Testing, Kinder & Grade 5
Wednesday, 11/20  Early Dismissal, 12:30 pm
Thursday, 11/21 2nd grade Field Trip, Student Coalition Meeting, SDMC, 3:30 pm; Family Night at the Book Fair, 5:30-7:30 pm
Friday, 11/22  NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30

Just Around the Corner
Monday, 11/25
Tuesday, 11/26  Field Day

Tuesday, 12/3  3rd Gr Musical Rehearsal Begins, 3:30-5:30
Wednesday, 12/4  School Tour, 9:00 am
Friday, 12/6  PTO Meeting, 8:10 am

Numeracy or Automaticity?
Educators often have strong views about approaches to teaching mathematics (well, strong views about how to teach most things I suppose).  Many educators believe, and there is research to support, that developing strong number sense is critical.  Everyday Math does a really good job of giving students opportunities to understand the base ten system, and gives them exposure to basic principles of numbers that make moving into algebra a little easier.  You will see that your children have many strategies for mental mathematics and can easily use variables when solving problems.  They may also have learned some nontraditional methods for double digit multiplication and division.  All of this work is designed to help students understand the components of large numbers.

Other mathematics programs focus on rote mathematics, with memorization of facts (addition or multiplication) at the core.  They encourage the use of traditional algorithms to solve problems and design the work to develop automaticity.  I am sure you remember the continued practice of your multiplication facts and the structured way you learned to multiply big numbers, or work through long division.

Everyday Math is designed so that after students develop understanding of the number sense they learn the traditional models for multiplying and dividing.  It encourages the use of the commutative property of addition and multiplication (a+b=b+a or a*b=b*a) for flexibly solving problems, and encourages the use of fact families for finding the answer to division problems.  Fact Triangles help students learn the reciprical nature of multiplication and division.

We find though that if we wait until students develop number sense, we often don't spend enough time on automaticity.  If we want children to understand how numbers work, and also work efficiently, we need to develop both numeracy and automaticity.

Automaticity takes time.  It requires regular practice, as does any skill we want to improve.  If you haven't built in time each day to practice addition flashcards, or multiplication flashcards, it is something that can greatly improve your child's mathematics skills.  Use the fact triangles provided by your child's teacher, or make a set of flashcards at home.  Capture a little extra time by practicing in the car.  It will make the ride home a little more fun, and may make errands go a little faster!

What is NNAT?
NNAT (Naglieri Non-verbal Ability Test) measures nonverbal reasoning and general problem solving abilities.  Directions are simplistic and the test assesses without regard to language ability.  There is no published review for this assessment.  This assessment is used by HISD as one component of the G/T identification matrix.  

Kindergarten and 5th grade students will be administered the NNAT on Tuesday morning.  It is essential students are at school on time, and are well rested with a good breakfast.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

News From Mrs. Graves

Upcoming This Week
Monday, 11/11 
Tuesday, 11/12  District MS School Choice Fair @Roberts, 6:00-7:30 pm
Wednesday, 11/13  1st gr Fieldtrip
Thursday, 11/14  Staff Appreciation Luncheon; Student Coalition Meeting, 11:15-11:45; Schoolhouse Rock Live, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, 11/15  NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30

Just Around the Corner
Monday, 11/18 
Tuesday, 11/19  Book Fair; NNAT, K & 5
Wednesday, 11/20  Early Dismissal, 12:30 pm
Thursday, 11/21  SDMC, 3:30; Book Fair Family Night, 5:30-7:30 pm
Friday, 11/22

Tuesday, 11/26  Field Day
11/27-12/1  Thanksgiving Holiday

Evaluation Visit
As you may know, last week we welcomed a team of evaluators from IB.  The team was so impressed with the work they saw happening in the classrooms and the overall enthusiastic attitude of the entire faculty and parents.  It was truly a team effort. We will receive a much more complete report in a few months, but let me share a few of the things they said during our debrief.  
  • The culturally diverse student body is considered a positive and important component of the school community by students, parents and faculty and lends itself to increased international-mindedness.
  • The facility is aesthetically appealing and has a number of features that enhance learning such as the murals and artwork throughout the school, the International Garden, and Physics Garden.
  • The classrooms are well-organized and well-designed to provide varying learning spaces that allow for flexible grouping. 
  • District representatives are knowledgeable and supportive of the PYP.  They allow flexibility in spending and instructional philosophy.
  • Commend commitment to weekly collaboration at all grade levels.
  • Commend commitment to training.  Training record is consistent and ongoing.
  • Evidence that inquiry is used throughout all aspects of the curriculum at all grade levels.
  • Principal's Blog allows accessibility for parents and keeps District Office informed.
  • Teachers' blogs keep parents informed about learning and the PYP.
  • ICT has been well-developed and is apparent in a very short time.  The co-teaching model and troubleshooting is appreciate by staff, and there is evidence of a high comfort level with the work.
  • Faculty demonstrates a positive commitment to the PYP and is eager to do the right thing, open to suggestions.
In the coming months we will receive the official report with detailed areas of commendation and recommendations for improvement.  Congratulations and thank you!

Schoolhouse Rock Live
Thursday evening, November 14th, our 4th graders will perform Schoolhouse Rock Live.  You will rock in your seats to some of your favorites, Conjunction Junction, Just a Bill, and many more. An email went out last week to 4th grade parents with call-times and costuming.  A reminder will be in this week's Tuesday folder.

The 4th graders have worked so hard, during school and after school.  I can't wait for them to perform for their parents Thursday evening.

3rd Grade Musical Just Around the Corner
Last week 3rd grade families received information for those students who are interested in learning stage craft, or are interested in principal roles or dance roles.  Please note that while there is no charge for this afterschool experience, it is not childcare.  Students will be expected to be engaged in the work.  This is a fantastic experience for students who show an interest.

And in case you didn't know, we have contracted with expert artists for instruction for our after school musicals.  In fact, Psophonia, who works with our dancers, is listed #4 as one of the Top 10 Contemporary Dance Companies in Houston by Houston Press magazine!

Have a great week!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming This Week
Monday, 11/4  Magnet Tours, 9:00 & 1:00;
Tuesday, 11/5  Magnet Tours, 9:00 & 1:00, Election Day; Flu Shots (Students and Parents), Report Cards
Wednesday, 11/6  Magnet Tours, 9:00 & 1:00
Thursday, 11/7  IB Evaluation Visit
Friday, 11/8  IB Evaluation Visit
Saturday, 11/9  Fall Community Night, 5:00

Just Around the Corner
Monday, 11/11
Tuesday, 11/12   District Middle School Choice Fair, 6:00 pm at Roberts
Wednesday, 11/13
Thursday, 11/14   Staff Appreciation Luncheon; 4th Grade Schoolhouse Rock Live, Showtime, 6:30 pm
Friday, 11/15

Free Everyday Math Apps
The publisher of Everyday Mathematics, McGraw-Hill is once again offering five of its ten EM game Apps for free on the following dates:

November 4-8, 2013 
The following apps will be free and available via the iTunes App Store:
Addition Top-It
Monster Squeeze
Equivalent Fractions
Beat the Computer
Divisibility Dash

To learn more about the game apps go to:

Principal's Challenge
Can your child outscore me on Divisibility Dash?  Download the app and then let your child take a screenshot of the final score and add it to my door.

Election Day Bake Sale
Help us welcome our community on Tuesday with our Election Day Bake Sale.  Many voters come before work, during lunch, or on the way home, and love the option of picking up a little something at our Bake Sale.  Please consider baking or buying something for the sale.  Your donations can be dropped off at reception on Monday or Tuesday morning.  Proceeds go to the 5th grade End of Year fund.

Magnet Application Time
If you have a child in 5th grade, you may want to apply for admission to a Middle School Magnet Program. If you have a child currently attending Roberts on a Magnet transfer and have a younger child who will be entering kindergarten in the fall, you will need to apply within the first phase.

On Monday, the online application system will open.  Tomorrow I will send an email with directions for applying online, as well as the website.  Watch for that email tomorrow.  The deadline to apply for a magnet program in Phase I is December 20, 2013.  Most schools will not have space available after Phase I.

Enrollment and ResidencyMany times families move during a school year and are interested in staying at Roberts. The only way to stay at Roberts if you have moved out of the school attendance zone is to apply for a magnet transfer.  Magnet Transfers are granted by lottery, when space is available in the specific grade level.  The deadline to do that is December 20th.  No applications received after December 20th will be reviewed.

The question that often arises during enrollment relates to residency.  Residency is what qualifies you as an “in-zone” student.  So, what is residency?  Generally it is referred to as where you live and sleep every night, but there are more detailed and specific criteria.  

1. Does the parent/guardian who establishes residency own, rent or lease a home, condominium, apartment or living quarters within the attendance zone?
2. Does the family have furniture and personal effects in the attendance zone with no furniture or personal effects at a previous residence?
3. Does the parent/guardian receive personal mail in the attendance zone?
4. Are the parents/guardians registered to vote in the attendance zone?
5. Does the parent/guardian regularly live in the attendance zone and plan to live there indefinitely?  Have all licensed drivers in the household complied with DPS regulations for changing address?