Roberts Elementary, Houston ISD

Roberts Elementary, Houston Independent School District, Texas
IB World School and Fine Arts Magnet
Rita Graves, Principal

Sunday, April 27, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, 4/28
Tuesday, 4/29  4th gr Field Trip; Costume Work Day, 9:00-10:30 a.m., Cafe; IB Art Show, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Twain ES; Progress Reports; Aladdin Early Ticket Sales Begin (5th gr families only)
Wednesday, 4/30
Thursday, 5/1  School Tour, 9:00 a.m.; Student Coalition Meeting; 1st gr Performance, 6:30 p.m., Cafe;
Friday, 5/2  PTO Meeting, 8:10 a.m.; Kindergarten Field Trip (Warner, Punch and Miller)

May 5 - 9  Stanford Testing, gr 1-5; Teacher Appreciation Week
Monday, 5/5
Tuesday, 5/6  Your Voice Survey Sent to Parents in Tuesday Folder
Wednesday, 5/7
Thursday, 5/8  Fine Arts Night, 6:00 p.m.; Aladdin Early Ticket Sales End
Friday, 5/9  Kindergarten Field Trip (Bowman, Waterman, Shum, May)

Monday, 5/12  4th gr Parent Meeting, 8:10 a.m., Cafe; Aladdin General Tickets Sales Open, 8:30 a.m. Reception
Tuesday, 5/13  STAAR Math Retests - 5th gr; 3rd gr Field Trip; 2nd gr Field Trip; Zoe's Kitchen Art Show & Dinner; 5:30-8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, 5/14  STAAR Reading Retests - 5th gr
Thursday, 5/15  SDMC Meeting, 3:30 p.m.; Kindergarten Performance & Promotion Ceremony, 6:00 p.m., Cafe
Friday, 5/16
Saturday, 5/17  Carnival, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Stanford Testing, gr 1-5, May 5-May 9
What is Stanford Testing?
Stanford is a national, norm-referenced achievement test, measuring your child's performance relative to the performance of other children across the nation.  Stanford contains subtests on reading, math, science and social studies.  Testing will occur daily next week, from Monday through Thursday.  Most testing will conclude before lunch, but some classes will continue with a subtest after their scheduled lunch period.  Please check with your child's teacher if your child has an appointment scheduled for next week.  We have only one day identified as a make-up day, and will not be able to make-up all subtests. Some subtests are used for grade promotion decisions, and is used as a part of the Gifted and Talented Identification matrix.

Stanford is really not something that can be studied for in advance.  The content on the test is general knowledge and application of information.  Teachers have been working with your children to help them understand the format of testing.

Save the Date for Portfolio Picnic!
Monday, May 19-Wednesday, May 21
30-minutes before and during your child's lunch period
Tuesday, May 20, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Spotlight on IB:
What is Portfolio Picnic?
Parent-teacher conferences have been a standard practice, and the primary means of communication between school and home for decades.  Many educators, however, know the benefits of incorporating student-led conferences in that communication loop.  Student-led conferences are one way we can support students in developing ownership over their learning, and support the development of reflection as a learning practice. 

Teachers are preparing students for the student-led conferences that will be held through a Portfolio Picnic during the week of May 19th.  Each person has a role in the student-led conference.  For the student, the job is to lead the review and discussion of the work in their portfolio.  The parent’s role is to listen and review the work, and then participate in the reflection questions.  If your child gets stuck during the conference, here are a few questions that may help:

· Which pieces reflect one of your strengths?
· What challenges do you have in this subject?
· What are you most proud of?

This is also a time for students to set individualized learning goals for next year.  This is a time for parents to listen and coach, but not set goals for the student.

This year parents will have several options to accommodate your work schedule.  We are offering three days during the child’s lunch period, as well as Tuesday evening, May 20th.  

For both daytime and evening Portfolio Picnics, we invite you to bring a blanket and picnic meal to celebrate the conference.  It is a special time for your child, and I hope it will be a special time for you.

Intent to Return
Every Spring we begin making plans for enrollment for the following school year.  Part of that process is asking you for information about your plans.  You should have received an Intent to Return through US mail just after Spring Break.  If you did not receive a form, or do not know where your form is, please contact Ms. Sones in the main office.

Please return the form as soon as possible.  If you plan on your child returning to Roberts for the 2014-15 school year, we must receive a new electric bill to verify your place of residence.  The guidelines for residency are included with the Intent to Return.  Please ensure you are providing accurate information.

Your Voice, District-wide Survey
Next week in the Tuesday folder you will receive the district-wide Your Voice survey.  That survey has a unique identifier number to ensure your survey is attributed to Roberts, and to ensure only one survey is completed for each family for each school.  If you have children that attend another HISD campus, you will also receive a survey for that campus. 

You are asked to complete the survey online with your assigned code, or complete the paper survey and return in the postage paid envelope.  Last year only 31% of parents completed the survey.  We are setting the parent participation goal this year at 50% or more.  Please note, we are not allowed to accept your completed survey in the school office. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Wow! More than 35,000 views!

Upcoming Events
Monday, 4/21
Tuesday, 4/22  STAAR Math gr 3&4
Wednesday, 4/23  STAAR Reading gr 3 & 4; STAAR Science gr 5
Thursday, 4/24  Teacher Appreciation Luncheon; Barnes & Noble Book Fair & Piano Performances
Friday, 4/25  Kinder Trash Fashion Show, 8:30 am

Monday, 4/28
Tuesday, 4/29  4th gr Field Trip;  IB Art Show at Twain ES, 5:30 pm
Wednesday, 4/30
Thursday, 5/1  School Tour, 9:00 am; Student Coalition Meeting, 11:15 am; 1st Grade Program, 6:30 pm
Friday, 5/2  PTO Meeting, 8:10 a.m.; Kinder Field Trip (Warner, Punch & Miller)

Intent to Return
Within the last few weeks you should have received an Intent to Return through the U.S. Mail, at the address on file with Houston ISD.  If you did not receive the Intent to Return by mail, you may request that we mail another copy.  You will not be able to pick up a copy in person.

Please return the form, with current proof of residency as soon as possible.  An electric bill is requested.  In the event you do not pay for electric service, Ms. Sones can help you identify another acceptable proof of residency.  We will be reviewing anticipated enrollment to make plans for next year.  It is very important that we know what your child's plans are for the upcoming school year.

If you have moved out of the Roberts attendance zone, Ms. Sones can help you identify which HISD school you are zoned to attend.

Tuesday Folder Volunteers
We will be administering STAAR on Tuesday.  The campus will be closed to visitors until testing is finished for the day.  Tuesday folder volunteers will receive an email around 1:00 p.m. to notify them that testing is over so that they may come to stuff folders.  As always, thank you for sharing your time with us!

District Policy on Medication at School
The District policy on medication may seem like an insurmountable obstacle on the rare day your child isn’t feeling well.  Parents are often tempted to send what seems like a benign cough drop in the backpack.  The big problem though is that having medication of any kind at school can be a very dangerous situation.  With allergy season in full swing, I thought it might be a good idea to remind you about the policy and consequences of sending medication to school with your child without the proper documentation with the nurse.

Procedures for requesting the nurse administer medication can be found on the HISD website by selecting H from the Department Locator.  The dropdown menu will allow you to select Health and Medical Services.  In addition to guidelines for requesting medication be administered to your child, you will find helpful information on childhood illnesses, and guidelines for vaccinations.

Having a prescription medication at school without proper documentation for the nurse to hold and administer is a Level III violation of the student code of conduct.  Because of the significant threat to the health and safety of all children on our campus, this would be treated very seriously.  Consequences identified by the school board include suspension or for older children, a referral to an alternative setting.

Please don't hesitate to give Ms. Felder, our school Nurse, a call to ask for assistance if you aren't sure. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

News From Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, 4/14
Tuesday, 4/15  5th grade Costume Work Day (need volunteers), 8:15 Cafe
Wednesday, 4/16  School Tour, 9:00 am
Thursday, 4/17  PTO Meeting, 8:10; ADHD Parent Ed, 8:15 CFI; SDMC Meeting, 3:30 pm
Friday, 4/18  Hank the Cowdog Performance, K-2 8:15, 3-5 9:30

Monday, 4/21 
Tuesday, 4/22  STAAR Math gr 3-4
Wednesday, 4/23  STAAR Reading, gr 3-4 & STAAR Science 5th
Thursday, 4/24  Barnes & Noble Book Fair and Piano Performance
Friday, 4/25

Friday Attendance
As I mentioned in my blog last week, Friday, 4/18 is a make-up day and classes will be held as usual.  If your child will be out in observance of the religious holy day, please send a written note or email to your child's teacher immediately stating that your child will be out due to religious observance.  Any student observing a religious holy day will have the absence removed from his or her record, in accordance with state attendance guidelines.  All other absences on Friday will be treated accordingly.

Early Pick-up
We are finding that more and more students are leaving early.  Every minute of instruction counts, and leaving early is very disruptive to the classroom.  Please make every effort to leave your child at school until we dismiss at 3:15.  I will be reviewing early pickup records this week and will make a point to meet with parents who are frequently picking up their children early.  

STAAR Testing and Tuesday Folders
Our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be taking STAAR tests on April 22 and 23.  As before, the school will not be open to visitors while children are testing.  We will send an email to Tuesday folder volunteers to let you know when testing has finished so that you can come to do your folders.  It will likely be close to 1:00 p.m.  Please do not come to campus prior to receiving the email.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation and flexibility.  

Sunday, April 6, 2014

News From Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, 4/7
Tuesday, 4/8   Ms. Allison's Class Play, 2:00-2:45 pm, Cafe
Wednesday, 4/9  School Tour, 9:00 am; Ms. Barnes' Class Play, 2:00-2:45 pm, Cafe
Thursday, 4/10  Ms. Rodriguez's Class Play, 8:45-9:30 am, Cafe; Ms. Sheets' Class Play, 2:00-2:45 pm, Cafe
Friday, 4/11  Ms. Estrada's Class Play, 8:45-9:30 am, Cafe; Ms. Vanunu's Class Play, 2:00-2:45 pm, Cafe
Saturday, 4/12  MPCA Easter Egg Hunt @ Roberts, 9:00 am

Monday, 4/14
Tuesday, 4/15  Costume Work Day, 8:10 am, Cafe
Wednesday, 4/16  School Tour, 9:00 am;
Thursday, 4/17  PTO Meeting, 8:10 am Cafe; Parent Education: ADHD, 8:15 am Library; SDMC Meeting, 3:30 pm
Friday, 4/18 

Good Friday Religious Observation
Originally Friday, April 18th was scheduled as the Spring Holiday, but was always identified as a make-up day should the district be forced to close schools due to weather.  As you know, we have had to close schools twice this winter, and our first make-up day will be Friday, April 18th.

For some, Good Friday is a day in which families come together for religious observance.  The State allows families to decide to keep children out of school for some religious holidays without the penalty of an absence.

If your child will be out of school on Friday, April 18th, please send a letter as soon as possible to notify the school office that your child will be observing a religious holiday and will not attend school.  The school administration will be able to remove the absence from your child's record if we have a letter identifying Friday as a day of religious observance.

Absences on Monday for travel cannot be excused.

Costume Work Day
We will begin working on costumes for Aladdin on Tuesday, April 15th.  If you are available, join us for a really fun time together.  You do not have to have experience with sewing, but if you have a machine, bring it with you.

We also may need a couple of irons and ironing boards, a couple of glue guns, and we need any scrap ribbons or other embellishments.

RSVP with Esther Pastore at  She can tell you what we still need.

3rd Grading Cycle Perfect Attendance
Congratulations to the 387 students who had perfect attendance during the last grading period!  Those students were awarded two free tickets to an upcoming Astros game.  Anyone who returned the ticket request on or before Friday will find the tickets in their Tuesday folder.  Any questions about the tickets can be directed to Ms. vanRavenswaay or Ms. Brown in Reception.

Building Persistence and Showing Your Work
I have spent time talking with teachers and parents recently about how often our brightest students are making simple mistakes on math problems that are well within their range.  We are seeing it more as the learning objectives demand that students be able to solve complex, multi-step word problems, or require students to identify the equation that would solve the problem rather than find the solution.

We are finding that our students have great number sense and can solve many problems without having to do much more than mental arithmetic.  The problem arises when they face more complex problems that require persistence and tenacity.  We are placing a stronger focus on "showing your work", and need you to help us with that when you check your child's homework.  When your child has nothing but a solution, ask him to go back and show his plan and show his arithmetic.  It is important in developing your child's ability to work through more difficult problems, but also helps the teacher identify what they are doing well and the areas in which they still need help.  Your child's teacher can gather information to support reteaching.