Roberts Elementary, Houston ISD

Roberts Elementary, Houston Independent School District, Texas
IB World School and Fine Arts Magnet
Rita Graves, Principal

Sunday, May 17, 2015

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, May 18  Portfolio Picnic, lunch & 5:30; Shrek Rehearsal at Rice
Tuesday, May 19  Portfolio Picnic, lunch; Shrek Rehearsal at Rice; SPARK Community Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 20  Portfolio Picnic, lunch; Shrek Rehearsal at Rice
Thursday, May 21  Shrek Dress Rehearsal, 1:00 p.m; Shrek Performance, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 22  Annual Flag Ceremony honoring Matthew Sauer, 7:30 a.m.; Student Coalition Meeting; 5th Gr Growth and Development Talk

Monday, May 25  Memorial Day Holiday
Tuesday, May 26  5th Gr Promotion Ceremony, 6:30
Wednesday, May 27  5th Gr Fun Day @ Roberts
Thursday, May 28  Last Day of School; 5th gr Fieldtrip; Class Year End Parties; Report Cards

I can't believe the end of the school year is upon us!  The next two weeks are going to be busy!  Watch for schedule updates.

Portfolio Picnic
The weather forecast is looking better for tomorrow, but the grounds are very wet.  We have never had a rain out on portfolio picnic before, so hopefully we’ll be able to dodge the showers this year too.  We have lunch and evening picnics scheduled for Monday, or you may have chosen to attend lunch picnics on Tuesday or Wednesday.  

If it is not raining, but too wet for the front lawn, the covered area and outdoor stage will be available. We also have the dismissal areas that are paved, or you may also use the picnic areas by 4th grade, 3rd, and the decks.   

The evening option is the easiest to make sure everyone is dry.  We can make the cafe and hallways available for picnics if it is raining Monday evening.  Fingers crossed for dry lunch periods!

It will help Reception to know when you are coming, so please communciate with your teacher if you plan to change your picnic time or day.   

IOWA Results
Students in grades 1-5 recently took the IOWA Achievement Test.  It generally takes 6-8 weeks to receive student results.  We expect to receive the results in late June or early July. We will put them in the mail as soon as possible.  Please update your mailing address with the school office if you move over the summer.

Intent to Return
I want to thank those of you who have graciously returned the Intent form with all the required documents.  We have only 80 children left to hear from!  Another reminder letter will go in the Tuesday folder this week for families who have not made us aware of their plans.  If you plan to enroll at another school, please return the form with that information noted.  It will help us plan for next year, and will alert us that another school will be requesting records.

Monday, May 11, 2015

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, May 11
Tuesday, May 12  5th gr STAAR Retest
Wednesday, May 13  3rd gr Field Trip; Kinder Portfolio Picnic, 5:00-6:00; Kinder Promotion Ceremony, 6:15 p.m.
Thursday, May 14  SDMC Meeting, 3:30 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Book Fair,4:30-7:30 p.m.
Friday, May 15 Library Books Due

Monday, May 18  Portfolio Picnic, lunch & 5:30; Shrek Rehearsal at Rice; Kinder Piano Recital
Tuesday, May 19  Portfolio Picnic, lunch; Shrek Rehearsal at Rice; SPARK Community Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 20  Portfolio Picnic, lunch; Shrek Rehearsal at Rice
Thursday, May 21  Shrek Dress Rehearsal, 1:00 p.m; Shrek Performance, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 22

Monday, May 25  Memorial Day Holiday

Happy Mother's Day
I hope that everyone enjoyed the holiday!  

Library Inventory-Books Due Friday
As the end of the school year quickly approaches, we will begin our annual library inventory. Please help your child gather library books and return them to school this week.  On Friday, children with books outstanding will receive an overdue notice.  The notice will tell you what to pay if the book is missing, but we prefer that you find the book.  Replacing books is not easy.  Thank you in advance for helping us take good care of our collection!

Your Voice Survey
Please take time to complete the Your Voice survey received in last week's Tuesday folder. Participation is important!  Return the paper copy in the envelope provided, or use the unique identification code on the survey to complete the online form.

Portfolio Picnic is right around the corner! Watch for communication from your child's teacher.  This is an event not to be missed.    

Sunday, May 3, 2015

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
May 4-8  Teacher Appreciation Week
Monday, May 4  IOWA Testing, gr 1-5
Tuesday, May 5  IOWA Testing, gr 1-5
Wednesday, May 6  IOWA Testing, gr 1-5; Kinder Rehearsal, Cafe, p.m.
Thursday, May 7  IOWA Testing, gr 1-5; Kinder Field Trip (Warner, Miller, Punch); Kinder Rehearsal, Cafe, p.m.; Greenbriar Reconstruction Public Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
Friday, May 8  IOWA Testing, gr 1-5; Kinder Field Trip (Waterman, Bowman, May); Kinder Rehearsal, Cafe, p.m.
Saturday, May 9  Roberts 1.5 Foot Race

Monday, May 11
Tuesday, May 12  5th gr STAAR Retest
Wednesday, May 13  3rd gr Field Trip; Kinder Portfolio Picnic, 5:00-6:00; Kinder Promotion Ceremony, 6:15 p.m.
Thursday, May 14  SDMC Meeting, 3:30 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Book Fair,4:40-7:30 p.m.
Kinder Rehearsal, Cafe, p.m.
Friday, May 15 

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!  

IOWA Testing This Week
Students in grades 1-5 will be administered the IOWA Achievement test all week.  Students will begin testing each morning, and testing should finish around noon.  Please make every effort to have your child well-rested and on time each day.  If your child misses testing, we may not be able to administer a make-up session, and this could impact applications for magnet schools and gifted and talented identification.

Traffic Alert
Offshore Technology Convention (OTC) in town this week!  As always, this will increase traffic around Roberts in the morning and late afternoon.  

Teacher of the Year Fan Favorite
Well, duh? Of course Chase May is our vote for Fan Favorite.  Vote early and vote often!