Upcoming Events
Tuesday, 5/28 STAAR Scores home in folders
Thursday, 5/30 3rd gr Business Fair, 8:30-9:30; Understanding STAAR Score Reports, 5:30 pm Cafe; 2nd gr Performance, 6:30 pm
Friday, 5/31 PTO Meeting in CFI, 8:10; 3rd gr Business Fair, 8:30-9:30; 3rd gr Field Trip, 10:15; Last Day of Afterschool Events
Monday, 6/3 5th gr Regal Ranch
Tuesday, 6/4 5th gr Promotion Ceremony, Pershing Auditorium, 6:30 pm
Wednesday, 6/5 5th gr Fun Day; Zoe's Kitchen Art Show, 6:00-8:00 pm
Thursday, 6/6 Last Day of School, Dismissal at 3:15 pm
STAAR Scores
On Tuesday you will receive STAAR reading and math scores for 3rd and 4th graders, along with results for writing and science STAAR. If your child retested in reading or math as a 5th graders, we do not have those scores yet, but expect them later this week.
I am so proud of the gains we made this year in STAAR performance, in both passing and advanced level performance. If you are not sure how to read your STAAR scores, I will host a very short meeting on Thursday, 5/30 at 5:30 pm in the Cafe to help you understand what you are seeing. This is not a time for specific questions about your child's individual scores. Please schedule a meeting with your child's teacher for individual concerns.
Summer School
We will offer a summer program for students who have not met promotion standards set by the district and/or the state. If your child qualifies for the program, you will receive a letter in the Tuesday folder tomorrow with the details. Children who have not met promotion standards are required to successfully complete the summer program to be promoted to the next grade level, unless the ARD committee determined a different course of action.
If you receive test scores, or summer program information that you don't understand, and have questions please contact your child's teacher to set up a time to meet and discuss your child's progress.
Zoe's Kitchen Art Show
Who has time to cook dinner this close to the end of school?
We were recently invited to display and sell art work at Zoe's Kitchen in the Village. You are invited to the Roberts Art evening at Zoe's on Wednesday, June 5th between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm. A portion of food sales that evening will go back to Roberts, so come have dinner as a community, or order take out, and take a look at the art on display that evening.
Thank you
Every year I am amazed by the number of parents who volunteer their time and talents to Roberts Elementary. Some parents choose to tackle one or two events a year as a worker bee, and others take on the responsibility of major projects. All gifts of time and talent are incredibly valuable, and make Roberts the wonderful place it is for your children.
The one volunteer post that really is a tremendous sacrifice is that of PTO President. Every year I find myself just wonderstruck by the time and energy our PTO presidents give to our community. Jennifer Thornton has given so much to this community this past year. Please take time to thank her, give her a pat on the back, and encourage her to put her feet up this summer and smile about all she has accomplished this year. Thank you Jennifer!
Tuesday, 5/28 STAAR Scores home in folders
Thursday, 5/30 3rd gr Business Fair, 8:30-9:30; Understanding STAAR Score Reports, 5:30 pm Cafe; 2nd gr Performance, 6:30 pm
Friday, 5/31 PTO Meeting in CFI, 8:10; 3rd gr Business Fair, 8:30-9:30; 3rd gr Field Trip, 10:15; Last Day of Afterschool Events
Monday, 6/3 5th gr Regal Ranch
Tuesday, 6/4 5th gr Promotion Ceremony, Pershing Auditorium, 6:30 pm
Wednesday, 6/5 5th gr Fun Day; Zoe's Kitchen Art Show, 6:00-8:00 pm
Thursday, 6/6 Last Day of School, Dismissal at 3:15 pm
STAAR Scores
On Tuesday you will receive STAAR reading and math scores for 3rd and 4th graders, along with results for writing and science STAAR. If your child retested in reading or math as a 5th graders, we do not have those scores yet, but expect them later this week.
I am so proud of the gains we made this year in STAAR performance, in both passing and advanced level performance. If you are not sure how to read your STAAR scores, I will host a very short meeting on Thursday, 5/30 at 5:30 pm in the Cafe to help you understand what you are seeing. This is not a time for specific questions about your child's individual scores. Please schedule a meeting with your child's teacher for individual concerns.
Summer School
We will offer a summer program for students who have not met promotion standards set by the district and/or the state. If your child qualifies for the program, you will receive a letter in the Tuesday folder tomorrow with the details. Children who have not met promotion standards are required to successfully complete the summer program to be promoted to the next grade level, unless the ARD committee determined a different course of action.
If you receive test scores, or summer program information that you don't understand, and have questions please contact your child's teacher to set up a time to meet and discuss your child's progress.
Zoe's Kitchen Art Show
Who has time to cook dinner this close to the end of school?
We were recently invited to display and sell art work at Zoe's Kitchen in the Village. You are invited to the Roberts Art evening at Zoe's on Wednesday, June 5th between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm. A portion of food sales that evening will go back to Roberts, so come have dinner as a community, or order take out, and take a look at the art on display that evening.
Thank you
Every year I am amazed by the number of parents who volunteer their time and talents to Roberts Elementary. Some parents choose to tackle one or two events a year as a worker bee, and others take on the responsibility of major projects. All gifts of time and talent are incredibly valuable, and make Roberts the wonderful place it is for your children.
The one volunteer post that really is a tremendous sacrifice is that of PTO President. Every year I find myself just wonderstruck by the time and energy our PTO presidents give to our community. Jennifer Thornton has given so much to this community this past year. Please take time to thank her, give her a pat on the back, and encourage her to put her feet up this summer and smile about all she has accomplished this year. Thank you Jennifer!