Roberts Elementary, Houston ISD

Roberts Elementary, Houston Independent School District, Texas
IB World School and Fine Arts Magnet
Rita Graves, Principal

Sunday, May 19, 2013

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Wednesday, 5/22  Portfolio Picnic, lunch or 5:30-7:00
Thursday, 5/23  Portfolio Picnic, lunch
Friday, 5/24  Kindergarten Promotion and Performance, 9:30 am; Portfolio Picnic, lunch

Monday, 5/27  Memorial Day Holiday
Thursday, 5/30  3rd Gr Business Fair, 9-10:00 am; 2nd gr Performance, 6:30 pm
Friday, 5/31  3rd gr Business Fair, 9-10:00 am; 3rd gr Field Trip, 10:15 am

What a Wonderful Week!
Teacher Appreciation Week was absolutely wonderful!  Thank you for the many treats and thoughtful words.  The teachers and I are always overwhelmed by the ways you show appreciation.

I hope you had the opportunity to learn more about our after school offerings during our Art in the Park Fine Arts Night.  Did you have a chance to check out our robotics demonstration or watch the short films created by our students? 

We are always interested in your feedback on our specialty programs.  One of the things we have heard from students, parents and providers is that semester-long programs may be too long.  We are re-organizing our specialties into three sessions, each approximately 10 weeks long.  This change will allow us to offer more classes within unique areas.  We will continue to balance our offerings so that children have choices between academics, arts and athletics. 

You will have an opportunity to learn more about the offerings at Meet the Teacher during the Opportunity Fair.  You will not be able to register your child for classes that day.  You will find the registration form in the First Day Packet, and may return it completed on the first day of school.  All forms received during the registration period will be accepted.  We WILL NOT utilize first-come, first-served.  If a class has more interest than space, we will use a lottery to determine who will be registered. 

Teacher Requests 
As you may know, one of the District's core initiatives within the Strategic Direction is to ensure a highly effective teacher is in every classroom.  The Roberts Community is so incredibly lucky to have a campus full of highly effective teachers.  There is no teacher on our campus that struggles to offer sound instruction, and a well-developed structure of support exists for teachers new to our campus. 

With that in mind, please let me share with you my thoughts on the often pursued “teacher request”.  I strongly believe requesting teachers builds a culture of favored and disfavored teachers that is toxic to a school community.   Often these impressions of teacher effectiveness are anchored by false opinions and rumors.  We do not accept teacher requests.  I will continue to stand firm on that and request that you honor it as well.

So, how will we make class assignments?  The teachers and administration will work to build strong groups of children that make sense together.  We will consider personality, behavior, academics and social development.  After groups have been formed, I will assign those groups to teachers. 

If you would like to share special characteristics that should be considered, you are welcome to submit that in writing to me.  You may do that by email or by leaving a letter in the office for me to review.

Please let me thank you in advance for working within the system.  Your trust in our faculty is greatly appreciated.

Have a great week!


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