Roberts Elementary, Houston ISD

Roberts Elementary, Houston Independent School District, Texas
IB World School and Fine Arts Magnet
Rita Graves, Principal

Sunday, December 14, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, 12/15  3rd gr Holiday Market, 8:15 a.m.
Tuesday, 12/16  3rd gr Holiday Market, 8:15 a.m.
Wednesday, 12/17  Community Exhibition, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, 12/18  
Friday, 12/19  Classroom Winter Holiday Parties

Tuesday, 1/6  Students Return to School

Magnet Application Deadline:  Friday, 12/19
If you have moved out of the Roberts attendance zone, or expect to move during the Spring semester, and wish to stay at Roberts next school year, you may wish to apply for a magnet transfer.  Students are not guaranteed a spot, but can be considered if space is available.  Students who move out of the attendance zone will only be allowed to continue at Roberts with a Magnet transfer.

Spotlight on IB:
Roles in the Exhibition

Role of Parent/Guardian and Community Members

Parents/Guardians and Community members will:
  • have an understanding of the purpose and requirements of the exhibition
  • support and encourage students and teachers throughout the process of inquiry
  • help students to access resources--people, places, media and information
  • provide expert subject knowledge where applicable
  • encourage independent inquiry and respect ownership of the process
  • support students' action efforts
  • have an opportunity to reflect on and give feedback on the exhibition
  • celebrate with the students by attending the staging of the exhibition

You are cordially invited to join us Wednesday evening, 6:30-7:30 to learn more about the global issues our 5th graders have been learning about and working to effect change locally. We will begin with a short video and discussion in the Cafe, then all projects will be on display throughout the building.  You may not be able to see every project but will have the opportunity to see all projects on the Exhibition Website.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, 12/8  Iowa Testing, Kinder
Tuesday, 12/9  Iowa testing, Kinder
Wednesday, 12/10  Iowa Testing, Kinder
Thursday, 12/11  Iowa Testing, Kinder; Spelling Pre-Bee, 7:15 a.m.
Friday, 12/12  Iowa Testing, Kinder; NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30;  Faculty Caroling, 6:00 p.m.

Monday, 12/15  3rd gr Holiday Market, 8:15 a.m.
Tuesday, 12/16  3rd gr Holiday Market, 8:15 a.m.
Wednesday, 12/17  Community Exhibition, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, 12/18  
Friday, 12/19  Classroom Winter Holiday Parties

School Funding, Part 1
Where Does the Money Come From?
In the State of Texas, schools are funded through a combination of local tax revenue and state dollars based on a per unit allocation.  Approximately 80% of school funding in HISD is generated by local tax revenue, with approximately 20% coming from the state.  The amount of money provided by the state varies depending on local tax revenue.  Districts can increase school funding by raising taxes, but often have to share that increased revenue with the state for redistribution to other poorer districts, referred to as a"Robinhood" funding system.  

Districts receive money for each student enrolled.  For the 2013-14 school year, HISD received approximately $6,000 for each "unit".  Most school districts centralize funds and make decisions for all campuses.  In HISD, we recognize that our district is very diverse and the needs of one campus are not necessarily the same as the needs of another campus.  We operate under a decentralized budget.

Within a decentralized budget system, some services are centralized, such as maintenance, utilities, accounting, purchasing, human resources, assessment and textbooks.  Other funding decisions are made at the campus level, such as whether or not the campus needs a reading specialist or a librarian or a school nurse.  The decentralized budget allows us to choose and fund programs like IB and more rigorous curriculum like Everyday Math.  The decentralized campus budget is based on a per unit allocation of $3470 in the general fund.  

So what is a unit?  Each year in January we project the number of students we expect to have enrolled at the campus in the upcoming school year.  That number is multiplied by our average daily attendance to create the number of units in our base allocation for which we will be funded. For instance, if we project 100 students, and our average daily attendance during the prior year was 97.3%, then we will be funded for 97.3 units with our preliminary budget.

Schools also receive weighted units for students who have special learning needs, such as limited English proficiency, special education or those identified as gifted and talented.  For instance, this year we have 292 students who qualify as gifted and talented, creating Special Populations Refined Units (292 x .12) of 35.04.  Special Population Refined Units are then added to the Base Allocation, and multiplied by the "per unit allocation".  

For those interested in learning more about this topic, take a few minutes to view a video at  

Next week learn more about how we use our decentralized funds to create a budget that best meets the needs of children at Roberts.

What is Spelling Pre-Bee?

All students in grades 3-5 who are interested in competing in this year's spelling bee must qualify through the Pre-Bee.  This will be a written qualifier test using words from the Scripts National Spelling Bee list.  Teachers have copies of the student list.  The Pre-Bee will begin promptly at 7:15 am. on Thursday, December 11th.  There will be no late admittance.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves


Upcoming Events
Monday, 12/1  
Tuesday, 12/2  Progress Reports
Wednesday, 12/3  School Tour, 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, 12/4  Author Visit, 3rd & 4th gr; 2nd grade Performance, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, 12/5   Iowa Testing, Kinder; PTO Meeting, 8:10 a.m.; NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30

Monday, 12/8  Iowa Testing, Kinder
Tuesday, 12/9  Iowa testing, Kinder
Wednesday, 12/10  Iowa Testing, Kinder
Thursday, 12/11  Iowa Testing, Kinder; Spelling Pre-Bee, 7:15 a.m.
Friday, 12/12  Iowa Testing, Kinder; NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30;  Faculty Caroling, 6:30 p.m.

Iowa Assessment
Iowa Assessment is a national, norm-referenced achievement test, measuring your child's performance relative to the performance of other children across the nation. The Iowa Assessment contains approximately 10 subtests measuring achievement in the core content areas. You can learn more about the Iowa Assessment at Riverside Publishing 

The test is generally administered over the course of a week, with most testing concluding before lunch.  Kinder students will be administered the Iowa Assessment beginning Friday of this week, through Friday, December 12.  Students in Grades 1-5 will be administered the Iowa Assessment in May. 

The Iowa Assessment is really not something that can be studied for in advance.  The content on the test is general knowledge and application of information.  Teachers have been working with your children to help them understand the format of testing.  The purpose of administering this test to Kinder students is to set a baseline for performance.

Kinder parents should check with the child's teacher if your child has an appointment scheduled this week.  We may not be able to offer make-ups if your child misses testing.  

Have You Moved?
If you have moved (or expect to move) out of the Roberts attendance zone, you may want to complete a Magnet Application.  Students living outside of our school zone, attending without a Magnet transfer, will be withdrawn at the end of the school year.  The only way to stay at Roberts if you live outside of the school zone is to have an approved Magnet transfer.

If you no longer live at the address on file with us, bring new proof of residency to the main office as soon as possible. 

School Funding
Are you interested in learning more about how schools are funded in HISD?  I will be sharing information about school funding in a multi-part series in upcoming editions of The Principal's Page.  Stay tuned...

Save The Dates
Thursday, 12/4, 6:30 p.m.         2nd grade Winter Show - Flakes
Friday, 12/12, 6:30 p.m.             Faculty Caroling
Monday, 12/15, 8:15 a.m.           3rd gr Holiday Market
Tuesday, 12/16, 8:15 a.m.           3rd gr Holiday Market
Wednesday, 12/17, 8:30 p.m.    5th gr Community Exhibition
Friday, 12/19                                 Class Holiday Parties

Sunday, November 23, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events

Monday, 11/24  Student Coalition Meeting
Tuesday, 11/25  PJ Day Fundraiser; NO AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES
Wednesday, 11/26  Thanksgiving Holiday
Thursday, 11/27  Thanksgiving Holiday
Friday, 11/28   Thanksgiving Holiday

Monday, 12/1  
Tuesday, 12/2  Progress Reports
Wednesday, 12/3  School Tour, 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, 12/4  Author Visit; 2nd grade Performance, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, 12/5   PTO Meeting, 8:10 a.m.; NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30

Magnet Program Status
I know many of you have questions about the status of our Magnet Program, and I want to get you the information you need.  

What is the problem?  Magnet Programs are required to maintain at least 20% enrollment outside of the attendance zone.  Prior to this school year, we have been able to meet that requirement while not exceeding our state mandated class size of 22:1.  This school year our zoned enrollment has increased substantially, with approximately 75 more students than we had last year.  This increase in zoned enrollment (and no additional classrooms) has increased our class size beyond the state student to teacher ratio of 22:1, not allowing us to meet the 20% requirement.  Roberts Fine Arts Magnet was placed on probation after our appeal was denied.

What does "probation" mean?  Nothing changes to our program this school year.  We will continue to provide the magnet program, and students on magnet transfers will continue to be eligible for transportation.  Next fall the district will re-evaluate our enrollment.  If we meet the 20% out of zone enrollment the probation will be lifted.  If we do not meet the required 20% the district will slate our magnet program for closure.

What happens if the program is slated for closure?  If the program is slated for closure, we will no longer be able to accept students on magnet transfers.  Current magnet students will be allowed to stay at Roberts through 5th grade, but transportation will no longer be available the following school year.

What is the timeline?
Year 1, 2014-15  Probation Status
Year 2, 2015-16  Slated for Closure
Year 3, 2016-17  50% Funding/Loss of Transportation/No New Magnet Transfers
Year 4, 2017-18  No Magnet Funds

How would loss of funding impact Roberts? The Fine Arts Magnet Program currently receives just under $350,000 each year.  The funding loss will be difficult to absorb if our enrollment declines, however a recent demographers study anticipates our zoned enrollment to continue to increase over the next few years.  If this holds true, a large part of the funding gap can be closed.  

What does this mean for younger siblings of current magnet students?  Siblings of current magnet students do receive priority in the lottery process.  Schools are allowed to give 25% of expected magnet spots to siblings.  If there are additional siblings, they will be placed at the top of the magnet wait list.  This will be used for admission decisions for the 2015-16 school year.  If the magnet program is slated for closure next fall, no magnet spots will be available for the 2016-17 school year.  Siblings can be considered for other types of transfers if space is available.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, 11/17 
Tuesday, 11/18  Picture Retakes; K & 5 CogAt Testing; Fall Book Fair; NTB Reading Day; 3rd Gr Musical Auditions, 3:30-5:30
Wednesday, 11/19  Fall Book Fair; Early Dismissal, 12:30
Thursday, 11/20  Fall Book Fair; SDMC, 3:30 p.m.; Family Night at the Book Fair, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Friday, 11/21   NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30

Saturday, 11/22  Fall Community Night, 6:00 p.m.

Monday, 11/24  Student Coalition Meeting
Tuesday, 11/25  PJ Day Fundraiser
Wednesday, 11/26  Thanksgiving Holiday
Thursday, 11/27  Thanksgiving Holiday
Friday, 11/28   Thanksgiving Holiday

Thursday, 12/4  2nd grade Performance, 6:30 p.m.

What is CogAT?
The CogAT, or Cognitive Abilities Test, will be administered this week to all Kinder and 5th grade students.  The CogAT is a nonverbal abilities assessment, and is used as part of the matrix for identifying students for Gifted and Talented.  

Please make sure your children are well rested, have a good breakfast and arrive at school on time next week.  

Spotlight on IB
What is Exhibition?
an excerpt from Exhibition Guidelines

The Primary Years Programme (PYP) exhibition represents a significant event in the life of a PYP school and student, synthesizing the essential elements of the PYP and sharing them with the whole school community.  As a culminating experience it is an opportunity for students to exhibit the attributes of the International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile that have been developing throughout their engagement with the PYP.

In the students' final year of the PYP, which occurs in some schools at age 10-11 and in others at age 11-12, there are five unity of inquiry and the exhibition... Students are required to engage in a collaborative, transdisciplinary inquiry process that involves them in identifying, investigating and offering solutions to real-life issues or problems. 

The PYP exhibition has a number of key purposes:
  • for students to engage in an in-depth, collaborative inquiry;
  • to provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate independence and responsibility for their own learning;
  • to provide students with an opportunity to explore multiple perspectives;
  • for students to synthesize and apply their learning of previous years and to reflect upon their journey through the PYP;
  • to provide an authentic process for assessing student understanding;
  • to demonstrate how students can take action as a result of their learning;
  • to unite the students, teachers, parents and other members of the school community in a collaborative experience that incorporates the essential elements of the PYP; and
  • to celebrate the transition of learners from primary to middle/secondary education.
RE Exhibition
This year our Exhibition is part of the transdisciplinary theme, "How We Express Ourselves". Integrating our study of natural resources and the environment, with our study of forms of expression, was the perfect way to marry our IB Programme of Inquiry with our Fine Arts Program.  

Our 5th graders recently finished an in-depth study of problems associated with human use of natural resources, considering the multiple perspectives.  After small groups worked together to research various aspects of these global issues, each homeroom created an essay combining the information.

Last week the students began exploring the ways people have expressed themselves through time with regard to other conflicts and issues.  Students were exposed to various art forms, specifically drama, visual arts such as painting and sculpture, film, poetry, lyrics and books. For example, students were introduced to songs inspired by Medgar Evers, books written to educate about environmental issues such as The Lorax and The Giving Tree, and the art of Pablo Picasso, influenced by his response to civil war.   

With the help of visiting artists such as Charles Washington, local recycled artist, a local writer, an actor, visual artist, and a filmmaker, students were able to explore a variety of art forms to help them find a way to express their feelings about the global issue they researched and find connections between the problem they want to focus on and the forms of expression.

Central Idea:  People express themselves through the arts and in so doing, influence the world.

Please join us for our Community Exhibition on 
Wednesday, December 17th at 6:30 p.m.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, 11/10  
Tuesday, 11/11  NTB Reading Day; 1st gr Field Trip; K-1 Parent Literacy Night, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 11/12   4th grade Production of Disney's Jungle Book Kids, 6:30 p.m. 
Thursday, 11/13  
Friday, 11/14   NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30

Saturday, 11/15  Fall Community Night, 6:00 p.m.

Monday, 11/17 
Tuesday, 11/18  Fall Book Fair; NTB Reading Day; 3rd Gr Musical Auditions, 3:30-5:30
Wednesday, 11/19  Fall Book Fair; Early Dismissal, 12:30
Thursday, 11/20  Fall Book Fair; SDMC, 3:30 p.m.; Family Night at the Book Fair, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Friday, 11/21   NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30

K-1 Parent Literacy Night
Join us on Tuesday night to learn more about how you can help your Kindergarten or First Grade student learn to read.  Information went home in last week's Tuesday folder, or pick up a form at Reception.  Please RSVP.

School Wide Coat Drive
Please take a few minutes this week to clean out those closets and bring gently used children's coats to benefit the children at HISD's Crespo Elementary.  You can drop off your donations at Reception, or drop them off in the boxes in the foyer near the mosaic.

Big Thanks
Our Family Day of Service was a great success!  Families came together to sort, count and pack books for economically disadvantaged students attending 32 HISD elementary schools. Books Fairs are set up each May at the designated campuses, and children are able to choose 6-8 books to begin their own library.  You can still support the work at Books Between Kids. Visit their website to learn more. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Magnet Awareness Week, 11/3-11/7
Monday, 11/3  School Tours, 9:00 & 1:00
Tuesday, 11/4  Election Day; NTB Reading Day; Report Cards Home
Wednesday, 11/5  School Tours, 9:00 & 1:00
Thursday, 11/6  School Tours, 9:00 & 1:00
Friday, 11/7  PTO Meeting, 8:10, Cafe; Finnegan Counseling Group Parent Ed, 9:00 a.m.; School Tours, 9:00 & 1:00; NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30; Jungle Book Rehearsal, 1:30-3:00

Saturday, 11/8  RE Family Day of Service at Books Between Kids (sign up on our website)

Monday, 11/10  School Tours, 9:00 & 1:00
Tuesday, 11/11  NTB Reading Day; 1st gr Field Trip; K-1 Parent Literacy Night, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 11/12   4th grade Production of Disney's Jungle Book Kids, 6:30 p.m. 
Thursday, 11/13  
Friday, 11/14   NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30

Saturday, 11/15  Fall Community Night

Books Between Kids
RE Family Service Day - Saturday, Nov. 8
We invite you to come together as a family and school community to help us work to get books into the homes of the children of Houston.  Just commit to a 2 hour shift, from 8:30-10:30, 10:30-12:30 or 12:30-2:30 on Saturday, November 8th.  We will sort and pack books, getting them ready for delivery to children attending the Houston Independent School District who need books for their own bookshelves at home.

Find the sign-up link on the Roberts website!

Magnet Application Time

If you have a child in 5th grade, you may want to apply for admission to a Middle School Magnet Program. If you have a child currently attending Roberts on a Magnet transfer and have a younger child who will be entering kindergarten in the fall, you will need to apply within the first phase. 

The online application system opened over the weekend.  The deadline to apply for a magnet program in Phase I is December 19, 2014.  Most schools will not have space available after Phase I.

Enrollment and Residency

Many times families move during a school year and are interested in staying at Roberts. The only way to stay at Roberts if you have moved out of the school attendance zone is to apply for a magnet transfer.  Magnet Transfers are granted by lottery, when space is available in the specific grade level.  The deadline to do that is December 19th.  No applications received after December 19th will be reviewed.

The question that often arises during enrollment relates to residency.  Residency is what qualifies you as an “in-zone” student.  So, what is residency?  Generally it is referred to as where you live and sleep every night, but there are more detailed and specific criteria.  

1. Does the parent/guardian who establishes residency own, rent or lease a home, condominium, apartment or living quarters within the attendance zone?
2. Does the family have furniture and personal effects in the attendance zone with no furniture or personal effects at a previous residence?
3. Does the parent/guardian receive personal mail in the attendance zone?
4. Are the parents/guardians registered to vote in the attendance zone?
5. Does the parent/guardian regularly live in the attendance zone and plan to live there indefinitely?  Have all licensed drivers in the household complied with DPS regulations for changing address?

Renting an apartment, but not living there does not qualify as residency.  If you own a home outside of the Roberts attendance zone, and maintain a homestead exemption on that home, it is considered your primary residence, and you do not qualify as an in-zone student.  Your only option for remaining at Roberts is to apply for a magnet transfer.

If you have moved, please bring a copy of your new electric bill to the main office.  We will assist you in changing your address so that you may apply for a magnet transfer for the upcoming school year.  

Please be advised, transfers are approved only if space is available.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, 10/27  
Tuesday, 10/28  NTB Reading Day
Wednesday, 10/29  Early Dismissal, 12:30 pm
Thursday, 10/30
Friday, 10/31  Field Day; NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30

Magnet Awareness Week, 11/3-11/7
Monday, 11/3  School Tours, 9:00 & 1:00
Tuesday, 11/4  Election Day; NTB Reading Day
Wednesday, 11/5  School Tours, 9:00 & 1:00
Thursday, 11/6  School Tours, 9:00 & 1:00
Friday, 11/7  PTO Meeting, 8:10, Cafe; School Tours, 9:00 & 1:00; NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30; Jungle Book Rehearsal, 1:30-3:00

Saturday, 11/8  RE Family Day of Service at Books Between Kids (sign up on our website)

Wednesday, 11/12  4th Grade Production of Jungle Book, 6:30 pm

Field Day
Friday is our annual Field Day.  Make sure your child is dressed for an active day. Children should have athletic shoes for the day.  No Crocs or sandals, please.  Your teacher will be providing a schedule and any details specific to class participation.

RE Family Day of Service - 11/8
Thank you to everyone who has already signed up. Please join us to help count, sort, and pack donated books for kids who don't have their own books. We are looking for 50 more volunteers. Please go to for a link to our volunteer sign-up. 

Note From Our Webmaster:
Hi Roberts parents,
If you'd like to access the parents-only areas of the school website and don't yet have an account, please email with your full name and your child's name and grade. You'll receive a return email with instructions for signing in.

3rd Grade Musical 
Just Around the Corner
Our musical theatre program, in its second year, allows students to be involved in a full stage production, either during the school day or after school.  All 3rd graders will participate in the program, learning the part of the chorus during weekly music class.

This week sign-up information will be sent home to all 3rd graders about our afterschool magnet enrichment classes for stage craft, principal roles or dance roles.  Our 3rd graders will be performing Disney's 101 Dalmations Kids.  

Please note that while there is no charge for this afterschool experience, it is not childcare. Students will be expected to be engaged in the work.  This is a fantastic experience for students who show an interest.

And in case you didn't know, our musical theatre program is a collaboration with Young Audiences Houston, who helps us find local expert artists for instruction.  In fact, Psophonia, who works with our dancers, is listed #4 as one of the Top 10 Contemporary Dance Companies in Houston by Houston Press magazine!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, 10/20  
Tuesday, 10/21  NTB Reading Day
Wednesday, 10/22  
Thursday, 10/23  
Friday, 10/24  Family Camp Out (Ticketed Event)

Monday, 10/27  
Tuesday, 10/28  
Wednesday, 10/29  Early Dismissal, 12:30 pm; Parent Conferences
Thursday, 10/30
Friday, 10/31  Field Day; NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30

Transcript Request
Fifth grade families will begin thinking about middle school options over the next few weeks. We will provide one full copy of your child's transcript upon request.  Please request early, as it may take up to one week to process your request.  

10 Tips for a Successful Parent-Teacher Conference
  1. Talk to your child.  Ask your child if there is anything that he would like you to discuss with the teacher.
  2. Be prepared. Jot down everything that you want to talk about at the conference.
  3. Be on time.  Arrive promptly or a few minutes early.
  4. Start off on the right foot. Begin with positive comments about the teacher or the classroom.
  5. Stay on track.  Avoid lengthy discussion of topics that are not related to the purpose of the conference.
  6. Listen to what the teacher has to say.  Be open-minded to suggestions from the teacher.
  7. Stay calm.  Keep your emotions under control.
  8. Tell your child what you discussed.  Take notes about what has been discussed to share with your child.
  9. Show gratitude.  Express appreciation for the conference.
  10. Stay within your conference time.  Do not stay beyond your allotted time.

Bullying or Not?
Through our work with +Works, we have been able to offer parents a handy resource for helping a child who is struggling with a classmate, +Parenting Guide.  You can find the guide on the Roberts website if you don't have a copy.  

We are often quick to term any social struggle as bullying, but it is very important that we help differentiate behaviors to help our children resolve occasional conflicts with peers and friendship issues on their own.  
The article in Teaching Tolerance, There are No Bullies, Just Kids Who Bully, offers good information and explores bully behaviors.  Bullying is repeated, targeted behavior, and is defined in the article as:
For behavior to qualify as bullying, two conditions must exist:
  • The aggressor must intend to hurt or intimidate someone less powerful.
  • The behavior must be repeated.
If you have concerns about social interactions between your child and a classmate, make sure you reach out to your child's teacher.

School Grounds Closed Friday
The school grounds will be closed on Friday, beginning at 5 p.m. and will re-open on Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m.  

Sunday, October 12, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events

Monday, 10/13
Tuesday, 10/14
Wednesday, 10/15  4th Gr Field Trip; Middle School Information Night, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Thursday, 10/16  2nd Gr Field Trip; SDMC Meeting, 3:30
Friday, 10/17  

Monday, 10/20
Tuesday, 10/21
Wednesday, 10/22  
Thursday, 10/23
Friday, 10/24  

Wednesday, 10/29  Early Dismissal - Parent Conferences

Communicable Disease Management

Taken from Health and Medical Services webpage on
Infectious and communicable diseases account for millions of school days lost each year, most often as a result of colds and flu. Because students are in group settings in which people are in close contact and share supplies and equipment most of their day, transmission of infections from person to person can occur. During flu season it is especially important to use good hygiene practices to reduce the spread of germs. Please help to keep your child and our schools healthy by:
  • observing your child each day for signs of infection which may include coughing, colds, fever, itching on the skin and scalp and unusual rashes. 
  • keeping sick students at home and seeking medical attention for severe illness.
  • encouraging your child to practice good hand hygiene.
  • adopting healthy practices, such as disposing of used tissues and coughing into a sleeve rather than into a hand.
  • keeping children home until free of fever for 24 hours (without fever reducing medication) reduces the risk of spread.

Choosing the Right Middle School
You have so many wonderful choices for middle school!  Choosing the right school for your child may seem like a daunting task.  There are a number of online resources to help you with choosing the right school for your child. I particularly like the checklist found on 

Here are a few things they recommend to a prospective parent for consideration:

· Do the classrooms look cheerful?
· Is student work displayed, and is it appropriate for the grade level?
· Do teachers seem enthusiastic and knowledgeable? (Notice whether they are asking questions that stimulate students and keep them engaged.)
· Is the principal confident and interested in interacting with students, teachers and parents?
· Do students act respectfully toward each other in class, during transitions and at lunchtime?
· Are facilities well maintained, the bathrooms clean and well supplied and do the grounds look safe and inviting?
· What is the school’s state rating?

Here is a list of MUST SEE places when you are visiting a campus:

1. Go into the bathrooms to see if they are clean and feel safe.
2. Ask to visit the cafeteria during the lunch period if it is not on the standard tour.
3. Make a stop in the library.

You may want to talk with any students or parents who might be helping with the tour.  How do the students feel about their school?  What is the best thing, and what is the most challenging?  Ask parents about the PTO.  An active parent group will help you stay connected at a time when it is difficult to stay connected with your child’s life away from home.

You can also do some of your research online before you go.  Visit the school website to learn about special offerings, extracurricular activities and special awards the campus may have received.  Visit the HISD website for the school profile.  It will tell you about academic standing, attendance, discipline, and enrollment.  You may also visit the Texas Education Agency website for a school academic profile. 

Middle School is a dynamic time in the life of your child.  While this decision is definitely a decision for parents, it is important your child is involved in that process.  

I would encourage you to visit schools first without your child.  Apply to many schools then take your child to tour after you receive admission letters.  It may save some heartache if the first choice school really isn’t an option.   

If you want to take your child with you on the first round tours, all area Middle Schools will host tours in the afternoons during Magnet Week.  Removing your child during the afternoon for those tours will not impact your child’s attendance record.  I remind you though that absences to visit schools when official attendance is taken at 9:30 are unexcused.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events

Monday, 10/6
Tuesday, 10/7
Wednesday, 10/8  Kinder Parent Meeting, 8:10 Cafe
Thursday, 10/9
Friday, 10/10  Altered School Day - Dismissal 12:30; International Festival 3:00-6:00

Monday, 10/13
Tuesday, 10/14
Wednesday, 10/15  4th Gr Field Trip; Middle School Information Night, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Thursday, 10/16  2nd Gr Field Trip; SDMC Meeting, 3:30
Friday, 10/17  

Kinder Parent Meeting
On Wednesday morning, October 8th, from 8:10-8:45 a.m. I will be available to meet with Kindergarten parents who have questions about how we are addressing and supporting instruction in Kindergarten classrooms.  

Altered School Day - International Festival
This Friday, our community will come together to celebrate the diversity of our school.  The International Festival volunteers have been working very hard to organize an event that will amaze.  

Students will attend classes from 8:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., and then are encouraged to come back to campus with a parent or guardian for the International Festival at 3:00 p.m. Students will be given a passport and are encouraged to visit all countries to learn about the music of the culture.  Students will also receive a schedule of events and performances.

Dismissal at 12:30 will be a full school dismissal, as there will be no after school child care or Specialities.  There will be no HISD bus service, but we have communicated with the private child care providers that usually pick up at Roberts.  You may want to communicate directly to make sure they understand the altered schedule.

We will provide an opportunity on Wednesday for you to tell us how your child will go home.  We will send a paper form for you to complete and return on Thursday.  We will create a dismissal plan after we know how many families will choose each option.  The dismissal plan will be sent home on Thursday. 

Planning Trips for the Holidays
Planning a big trip for the holidays?  As you make plans for holiday travel, please take a moment to look at the school calendar.  Travel cannot be excused, and any student with three or more unexcused absences are in violation of compulsory attendance laws.

To avoid violating attendance laws, some international families have chosen to withdraw their students and then re-enroll upon their return.  I am very concerned, specifically for families of kindergarten students and magnet students.  Because of the high enrollment in Kindergarten, we will not be able to re-enroll your child in Kindergarten.  Magnet students are attending on a magnet transfer, and upon withdrawal, we have been told the transfer is no longer available.  

Please feel free to email our Registrar, Ms. Walji (, about your specific situation if you have questions.

Thanksgiving: November 26-30.  School resumes Monday, December 1
Winter Break: December 20-January 5.  School resumes Tuesday, January 6

***Exciting Field Trips just around the corner!  Are you an approved Volunteer through the VISITS system?  If not, please contact Ms. Niksch for more information.

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

New from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events

Monday, 9/29
Tuesday, 9/30  Progress Reports Go Home
Wednesday, 10/1  School Tour, 9:00 a.m.; DeBakey HS Community Mtg, Cafe 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, 10/2  Fall Picture Day; PTO Meeting, 8:10 a.m.
Friday, 10/3  Fall Holiday - NO SCHOOL

Monday, 10/6
Tuesday, 10/7
Wednesday, 10/8
Thursday, 10/9
Friday, 10/10  Altered School Day - Dismissal 12:30; International Festival 3:00-6:00

Spotlight on IB:  What is Action?
excerpt from Making the PYP Happen...
Action: how do we want students to act?  In the PYP, it is believed that education must extend beyond the intellectual to include not only socially responsible attitudes but also thoughtful and appropriate action.  An explicit expectation of the PYP is that successful inquiry will lead to responsible action, initiated by the student as a result of the learning process...

Action as Service.  The action component of the PYP can involve service in the widest sense of the word: service to fellow students, and to the larger community, both in and outside the school.  Through such service, students are able to grow both personally and socially, developing skills such as cooperation, problem solving, conflict resolution, and creative and critical thinking.  Moreover, these actions are ways in which the students exhibit their commitment to the attributes of the learner profile and to the attitutdes that we seek to engender within the PYP classroom.  In fact, the actions that the students choose to take as a result of the learning may be considered the most significant summative assessment of the efficacy of the programme. 

Is it possible for students to identify appropriate action in which to engage?  In the PYP it is believed that not only is it possible for students to identify appropriate action, but also that teachers have a responsibility to enable them to choose their action carefully, to facilitate this action, and to encourage them to reflect on the action they undertake.  This is viewed as an important part of the students' active participation in their own learning. 
Effective action does not need to be grandiose.  On the contrary, it begins at the most immediate and basic level: with self; within family; within the classroom, the hallways and the playground.  Even very young children can have strong feelings about fairness and justice, and teachers can facilitate positive expressions of these opinions.  Effective action can be a demonstration of a sense of responsibility and respect for self, others and the environment.

Roberts Family Service Day, Saturday, Nov. 8

As part of our regular curriculum, teachers and students look for opportunities to participate in informed, responsible action each year as they develop through the Primary Years Programme.  But we also want to give families an opportunity to act together in service of our wider community.

We invite your family to participate in Roberts Family Service Day.  Choose an action of your own, or join us at Books Between Kids, as we help sort books for distribution to children who otherwise would have very limited access to books.  

"Books Between Kids is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 to serve Houston’s at-risk children by providing them with books to build their own home libraries."  You can learn more about Books Between Kids at

Please sign up for Roberts Family Service Day at Books Between Kids!

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot:
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!

School Communication Policy
Last week I was asked to share our policy and thoughts on how best to communicate between home and school.  

When parents have questions or concerns, the best source of information is your child's teacher.  The relationship you build with your child's teacher is the most important relationship you will have each year.  Your child's teacher will have the information you need, or can easily get an answer for you. 

Most teachers prefer email as the best method for communication.  District policy sets the expectation for a response within 48 school day hours.  For instance, if you email on Tuesday afternoon, you should expect a response no later than the same time on Thursday.  If you email on Friday afternoon, you should expect a response no later than Tuesday afternoon.  Most teachers are able to respond much sooner than 48 hours, but remember, I expect their time during the day to be focused on instruction, rather than answering email.  

There may be times when you have a concern, maybe about something your child tells you, or you may have questions about grading.  Whatever the issue, the very first place you should start is with your child's teacher.  Always assume good intentions and know that our teachers really want the best for your children.  If after meeting with your child's teacher, you feel like the concern has not been resolved, please email me directly.  

Staying connected through the classroom blog, this blog and Parent Student Connect (online grade book) is a great way to know what is going on at school.