Roberts Elementary, Houston ISD

Roberts Elementary, Houston Independent School District, Texas
IB World School and Fine Arts Magnet
Rita Graves, Principal

Sunday, November 23, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events

Monday, 11/24  Student Coalition Meeting
Tuesday, 11/25  PJ Day Fundraiser; NO AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES
Wednesday, 11/26  Thanksgiving Holiday
Thursday, 11/27  Thanksgiving Holiday
Friday, 11/28   Thanksgiving Holiday

Monday, 12/1  
Tuesday, 12/2  Progress Reports
Wednesday, 12/3  School Tour, 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, 12/4  Author Visit; 2nd grade Performance, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, 12/5   PTO Meeting, 8:10 a.m.; NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30

Magnet Program Status
I know many of you have questions about the status of our Magnet Program, and I want to get you the information you need.  

What is the problem?  Magnet Programs are required to maintain at least 20% enrollment outside of the attendance zone.  Prior to this school year, we have been able to meet that requirement while not exceeding our state mandated class size of 22:1.  This school year our zoned enrollment has increased substantially, with approximately 75 more students than we had last year.  This increase in zoned enrollment (and no additional classrooms) has increased our class size beyond the state student to teacher ratio of 22:1, not allowing us to meet the 20% requirement.  Roberts Fine Arts Magnet was placed on probation after our appeal was denied.

What does "probation" mean?  Nothing changes to our program this school year.  We will continue to provide the magnet program, and students on magnet transfers will continue to be eligible for transportation.  Next fall the district will re-evaluate our enrollment.  If we meet the 20% out of zone enrollment the probation will be lifted.  If we do not meet the required 20% the district will slate our magnet program for closure.

What happens if the program is slated for closure?  If the program is slated for closure, we will no longer be able to accept students on magnet transfers.  Current magnet students will be allowed to stay at Roberts through 5th grade, but transportation will no longer be available the following school year.

What is the timeline?
Year 1, 2014-15  Probation Status
Year 2, 2015-16  Slated for Closure
Year 3, 2016-17  50% Funding/Loss of Transportation/No New Magnet Transfers
Year 4, 2017-18  No Magnet Funds

How would loss of funding impact Roberts? The Fine Arts Magnet Program currently receives just under $350,000 each year.  The funding loss will be difficult to absorb if our enrollment declines, however a recent demographers study anticipates our zoned enrollment to continue to increase over the next few years.  If this holds true, a large part of the funding gap can be closed.  

What does this mean for younger siblings of current magnet students?  Siblings of current magnet students do receive priority in the lottery process.  Schools are allowed to give 25% of expected magnet spots to siblings.  If there are additional siblings, they will be placed at the top of the magnet wait list.  This will be used for admission decisions for the 2015-16 school year.  If the magnet program is slated for closure next fall, no magnet spots will be available for the 2016-17 school year.  Siblings can be considered for other types of transfers if space is available.

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