Roberts Elementary, Houston ISD

Roberts Elementary, Houston Independent School District, Texas
IB World School and Fine Arts Magnet
Rita Graves, Principal

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

News From Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, 1/7  NTB Reading Day
Wednesday, 1/8  School Tour, 9:00
Thursday, 1/9  +Talk: Survive Parenting Your T(w)eens, St.Vincent dePaul, 7:00 pm (See Tuesday Folder)
Friday, 1/10  PTO Meeting, 8:10 am; NTB Book Talk, 11:30-12:30

Monday, 1/13
Tuesday, 1/14  Report Cards go home; NTB Reading Day
Wednesday, 1/15
Thursday, 1/16  Spelling Bee, Cafe at 8:15; Kinder Field Trip, 8:45 am; SDMC Meeting, 3:30 pm
Friday, 1/17

Monday, 1/20  No School, MLK Holiday
Tuesday, 1/21
Wednesday, 1/22
Thursday, 1/23  Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Friday, 1/24  3rd Gr Traditions Feast, Covered Area 12:00-1:00

Happy New Year!
As our first graders are learning, the Babylonians celebrated New Years Day over four thousand years ago. They celebrated the new year in March, rather than in January, coinciding with the planting of crops.  This long standing celebration of a new year allows us to look back, but more importantly encourages us to look forward to the coming year.  I invite you to help your child look forward to this new semester and set personal goals for showing strong achievement at school, at home, or even on the soccer field.  Children who can image success are more likely to achieve it with a commitment to the daily work needed to forge the pathway to their goal.

Principal's Challenge
Tomorrow I will post a new challenge for our students.  Coaching from the sideline may be helpful, but do it with questions rather than answers.  Good questions can help guide your students to thinking through the process on their own, rather than waiting for someone else to solve the problem.

This challenge is most appropriate for grades 3-5, but I am confident we have some 2nd graders with the tenacity to tackle it.  The problem will require a little research, and students may benefit from the use of a calculator.  And, while the mathematics of the problem is important, translating their findings into the written word is the key to making the connection between numbers of a page and the real world around them.

The Challenge will be posted until next Friday, January 17th.  I will post the names of everyone who turned in an accurately solved problem on Tuesday, January 21st.

Magnet Update
The deadline for applying to Magnet Schools was December 20th.  Just over 900 applications were received before the deadline for students wishing to attend Roberts.  Over the last 4 years, our applications have steadily increased, with nearly 600 applications last year, ranking Roberts as one of the most applied to elementary schools in the District.  We are thrilled to see such an increase in interest in Roberts.

Safety Drills
As you know, to ensure the safety of students and staff, we participate is emergency drills to ensure everyone knows what to do in the event of an emergency.  The most common, and most frequent of those drills is the monthly fire drill.  We also participate in drills to prepare us in the event of inclement weather, need for evacuation, or need for locking down the campus.  This month we will take part in some of those less common drills.  I cannot give you information regarding the date, time or type of drill in advance.  I will notify you after the drill has taken place, should your child have questions or wishes to talk about the drill. None of the drills are done in a way that would be frightening to students.  When the drill begins we will make an announcement stating that it is a safety drill and not a real emergency.  If you are on campus during one of the emergency drills it is imperative that you follow the directions of the administration, faculty or staff. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Have a great week!

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