Roberts Elementary, Houston ISD

Roberts Elementary, Houston Independent School District, Texas
IB World School and Fine Arts Magnet
Rita Graves, Principal

Sunday, February 9, 2014

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, 2/10  Peace Rally, 2:30 pm
Tuesday, 2/11  5th Grade Leaves for Camp; Progress Reports go Home
Wednesday, 2/12  
Thursday, 2/13  
Friday, 2/14  Valentine Parties

Monday, 2/17
Tuesday, 2/18  4th/5th Grade Field Trip (Lamar)
Wednesday, 2/19  Early Dismissal, 12:30 pm
Thursday, 2/20  SDMC Meeting, 3:30 pm
Friday, 2/21  3rd gr Field Trip

NTB Qualifier Test
Students began reading books for Name That Book last spring when the list of 34 titles was announced. More than 50 students began spending their lunch on Tuesdays reading in my office.  And over the last three months, more than 35 students have been joining together on Fridays during lunch to talk about those books.  The time has come to select the 6 most prepared Name That Book team members to represent us in the District competition. 

On Monday, beginning at 7:25, we will administer the NTB Competitive Team Qualifier test.  Students who have been reading the books from the NTB list should be at school no later than 7:20. The test will contain a quote from each of the 34 books. Participants will match the book title to the quote.  Students with the six highest scores will serve on the team.  The student with the seventh highest score will serve as the alternate.  I will also be selecting the next 10 highest scoring students to attend the competition to cheer on our team.

5th grade Goes to Camp
The weather forecast is showing temperatures as low as 32degrees with rain on Tuesday with it possibly rising to 72 degrees by Friday. Students need to come prepared for this weather. Please pack appropriate clothing for this weather.

Also, we had originally asked for parents to pack clothing in a large black (Olympia) or white (Forest Glen) garbage bag, depending on which camp your child is attending. If you are having difficulty finding the specific color requested, please pack the items in a garbage bag of any color. We will take care of this Tuesday morning and will ensure bags are labeled correctly and sent to the right camp.

Peace Week
Students are invited to wear a tie-dye tshirt or a shirt with a peace sign, or something that represents peace tomorrow for our Stand Up For Peace Rally.

We are collecting used men's button down dress shirts for our upcoming production of Annie. Can you help us out?

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