Upcoming Events
Monday, 5/26 Inclement Weather Make-up Day (Required Attendance); Roberts Idol Practice, 1:30 pm
Tuesday, 5/27 5th gr Promotion Ceremony, 6:30 p.m. Pershing Middle School Auditorium;
Wednesday, 5/28 5th gr Regal Ranch Trip; 4th gr Greek Festival; Kinder Piano Recital, 3:30 p.m.
Thursday, 5/29 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL; Roberts Idol, 8:15 a.m.; Year End Class Parties
Save the Dates!
Thursday, 8/21
2:30 New Parent Orientation
3:00 - 4:00 Meet the Teacher
4:00 - 5:00 Ice Cream Social and Opportunity Fair
Monday, 8/25 First Day of School!
It's a Big List of Aladdin THANK YOUs...
STAAR Scores
Student score reports from recent STAAR administrations will be in this week's Tuesday folder. The score report will provide information about performance and growth from your child's STAAR score last year. Please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher if you have questions after receiving your child's report. (They will not be available before Tuesday.)
Thank you, Courtney Tardy!
Please join me in thanking Courtney Tardy for serving as our PTO President this past year. You can't imagine the number of emails, phone calls, text messages, meetings and events our PTO Presidents manage, and Courtney has done that with grace. She has given a tremendous amount of time and talent to align our resources to make Roberts great! Make sure you say thank you when you see her.
Have a great summer! Stay safe, and make time for reading!
Monday, 5/26 Inclement Weather Make-up Day (Required Attendance); Roberts Idol Practice, 1:30 pm
Tuesday, 5/27 5th gr Promotion Ceremony, 6:30 p.m. Pershing Middle School Auditorium;
Wednesday, 5/28 5th gr Regal Ranch Trip; 4th gr Greek Festival; Kinder Piano Recital, 3:30 p.m.
Thursday, 5/29 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL; Roberts Idol, 8:15 a.m.; Year End Class Parties
Save the Dates!
Thursday, 8/21
2:30 New Parent Orientation
3:00 - 4:00 Meet the Teacher
4:00 - 5:00 Ice Cream Social and Opportunity Fair
Monday, 8/25 First Day of School!
It's a Big List of Aladdin THANK YOUs...
- 5th graders, who put so much hard work and passion into preparing for the show;
- Esther Pastore, Anjum Khan, Chandra De, Debra Balthazar, Tanya Zeiger, Ms. Savarese, Mary Murrey, PJ Oran and countless other moms who helped make costumes;
- PADRES, who moved us into and out of Hamman Hall;
- Lamar HS Theatre Department, who served as technical advisors, as we began planning for the show;
- Lamar HS Photography and Journalism students who created our show program;
- Mr. Campbell, our master of sound;
- Our 5th grade teachers;
- Ms. Ballard, who painted sets, helped with costumes, managed shopping lists, arranged and rearranged schedules for rehearsal, and too many other things to mention;
- Ms. Walton, who kept EVERYTHING ELSE afloat on campus;
- Pat Corte, Corte Enterprises, our Corporate Partner, for designing and building our set; and last but not least,
- Young Audiences Houston, our Arts Partner, who secures experts in the field who not only cherish the arts, but who also know the value of providing top notch arts education for children.
STAAR Scores
Student score reports from recent STAAR administrations will be in this week's Tuesday folder. The score report will provide information about performance and growth from your child's STAAR score last year. Please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher if you have questions after receiving your child's report. (They will not be available before Tuesday.)
Thank you, Courtney Tardy!
Please join me in thanking Courtney Tardy for serving as our PTO President this past year. You can't imagine the number of emails, phone calls, text messages, meetings and events our PTO Presidents manage, and Courtney has done that with grace. She has given a tremendous amount of time and talent to align our resources to make Roberts great! Make sure you say thank you when you see her.
Have a great summer! Stay safe, and make time for reading!
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