Roberts Elementary, Houston ISD

Roberts Elementary, Houston Independent School District, Texas
IB World School and Fine Arts Magnet
Rita Graves, Principal

Monday, January 19, 2015

News from Mrs. Graves

Upcoming Events
Monday, 1/19  MLK Holiday
Tuesday, 1/20  
Wednesday, 1/21
Thursday, 1/22
Friday 1/23  Staff Appreciation Luncheon, hosted by 2nd & 3rd grade

Monday, 1/26 Student Coalition Meeting
Tuesday, 1/27
Wednesday, 1/28  Early Dismissal, 12:30
Thursday, 1/29
Friday 1/30  

Teacher Professional Development
Our teachers participate in a variety of professional development opportunities each year. Much of our professional development takes place over the summer months and during the two weeks of pre-service in August, but some takes place throughout the school year, afterschool, and during early release days.

Teachers are contracted to work (and paid for) 180 days each year.  Ten days are identified as pre-service professional development and teacher preparation.  During those ten days, we embark in professional development identified as a District learning goal or as a Campus learning goal.  Two years ago the District focus was on improving the level of rigor in classrooms, while the focus this past August was on improving literacy practice.  Our campus goals generally focus on IB pedogogy and the Programme of Inquiry, literacy, math, science and arts/technology integration.  

This past August our campus focus helped guide our professional development plans.  We planned time for development in IB, technology integration and literacy.  Teachers spent two full days in IB training (prior to their contracted days), focusing on concept-based learning or written curriculum in transdisciplinary teaching.  They spent three days in the District literacy training.  We also worked as a full faculty with an IB consultant to create a newly aligned Programme of Inquiry, ensuring all Science and Social Studies learning objectives were anchored in units within the identified concept.    

Outside of the initial training in August, teacher develop personalized annual learning goals each year.  They work independently or in inquiry groups to improve their practice in areas they have identified.  This year we have teachers working on instructional practices in math, reading, science, writing instruction and in gathering data on mastery of learning objectives. All of this learning is done outside of the work day, usually during our monthly faculty meetings.   

The question often arises from parents about professional development related to early dismissal days.  Parents wonder what teachers are doing, and question whether or not the time is well-spent and justify the extra effort to find child care.

Early Dismissal days are set by the District.  Of the five identified days, two are reserved for parent conferences.  The other three days are intended for professional development.  As a Technology Pilot School, this year, two of those days are being used by the District Technology Department to support our learning for use of the HUB, the District online learning site that houses curriculum and will eventually serve as a major support for parents to bridge the divide between school and home.  The remaining day was used to help teachers develop their individual professional development plans.

At Roberts, we are fortunate to have highly skilled and highly trained teachers.  The professional development days are critical to that end.  

Tardies and Early Check-out
We are experiencing a higher than usual rate or tardies and children leaving early.  Please make every effort to have your child at school before 7:55 so that your child is ready for learning at 8:00 a.m. when the final bell rings.  

We will be sending notifications to parents regarding chronic tardies or repeated early check out.  Both are causing children to miss critical instruction.

Arriving late to school, and missing instruction time, are considered violations of the Code of Student Conduct, and can impact the conduct grade on the report card.  Please help your child maintain a strong school behavioral record by ensuring he/she arrives early enough to be ready to start the day at 8:00 a.m.

Field Trips
We have some exciting field trips scheduled for the Spring.  If you are interested in serving as a chaperone, please be certain you have been approved through the District to serve as a volunteer.  If you aren't sure if you are approved, stop in or call our Reception desk and ask Ms. Brown or Ms. vanRavenswaay to check the list.  Parents who have not been approved by the District will not be allowed to attend field trips.

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